Internet of Things will Revolutionize the Industrial Division

Internet of Things will Revolutionize the Industrial Division

Extrapolations are that there will be 50 billion connected devices by 2020 and in our lifetime we will experience life with a trillion-node network. The Internet of Things (IoT) is spreading its divisions across diligences, organization, utilities, homes, and almost everywhere. The IoT is helping in the next Industrial Revolution and will enable new form of analytics to analyze a massive cloud of dynamic, ever changing information and offer information that can be used for operative and analytical purposes. However, its first and greatest impact is expected to be in the industrial sector, where organised change is more feasible than in sectors where the public are involved.

The Internet of Things or IoT is regarded as a disruptive technology and a game changer. The IoT will be defined by the exponential growth of web-enabled “things” that measure, monitor and control the physical world, interacting with each other.


Extrapolations are that there will be 50 billion connected devices by 2020 and in our lifetime we will experience life with a trillion-node network. The Internet of Things (IoT) is spreading its divisions across diligences, organization, utilities, homes, and almost everywhere. The IoT is helping in the next Industrial Revolution and will enable new form of analytics to analyze a massive cloud of dynamic, ever changing information and offer information that can be used for operative and analytical purposes. However, its first and greatest impact is expected to be in the industrial sector, where organised change is more feasible than in sectors where the public are involved.

The Internet of Things or IoT is regarded as a disruptive technology and a game changer. The IoT will be defined by the exponential growth of web-enabled “things” that measure, monitor and control the physical world, interacting with each other.

Building blocks of Industrial IoT

The building blocks of Industrial IoT constitute of Sensing Node (Sensor),Processing Node (MCU), Connectivity Node (Wired/Wireless), Remote Embedded Processing Node and Cloud Computing and Digital Signal Processors. This building block will also have correspondent at each controller unit, software for each block, security in terms of integrity, confidentiality & reliability of the data being communicated between the blocks. Built-in hardware security at each node will be an essential requirement.

Applications of Industrial IoT

The applications of IOT lies over almost all thing. Smart Parking (Monitoring of parking spaces availability in the city), Animal Tracking(Location and identification of animals grazing in open pastures or location in big stables), Toxic Gas Levels(Study of ventilation and air quality in farms and detection of harmful gases from excrements), Remote Control Appliances(Switching on and off remotely appliances to avoid accidents and save energy) etc.

Categories: Internet of Things